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Civil Vigilance Against Impunity

Civil Society Members and Human Rights Activists in front of Constituent Assembly Building, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Participating in the sitting are HR activists Charan Prasai, Dinesh Tripathi,  Keshab Sigdel, Prof. Kapil Shrestha, Harihar Birahi among others.

Coverage in The Himalayan Times

Rights activists detained

KATHMANDU: Police arrested and released at least 45 human rights activists from the entrance of Singha Durbar while protesting the government’s bid to introduce blanket amnesty provision in bills on Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Commission on Disappeared. They were arrested and detained on the charge of violating the prohibitory zone order at 1:30 pm and released on 4:30 pm.
The right activists including Dr Sundar Mani Dixit, Charan Prasai, Dr Gopal Shiwakoti, Pradip Pokhrel, Govinda Sharma Bandi, Bhawani Kharel, Baburam Giri, Kapil Shrestha, Bhakta BK, Krishna Subedi, Keshab Sigdel, Baburam Giri and Kamala Rai were arrested and detained for three hours in Police Training Centre, Exhibition Road... Read full text

Video Coverage of Civil Demonstration

HR Activists have been protesting against the government's move to give general amnesty to all alleged HR violators. Click the link below to watch the video of Civil demonstration against general amnesty on 2nd Jan 2012.

Video Clip: HR Activists Arrested

Police on Monday rounded up some four dozen human rights activists from the southern gate of Singh Durbar for staging sit-in at the prohibited zone. They were held for more than three hours at Nepal Police Club located at Exhibition Road and then released.


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